Science Skills
Science Pseudoscience & Technology
B07-E-M Waves

Proficiency Standards
B08 Light Waves
What is light?
Silver Sensing Thinking HandHow does light work?
Silver Sensing Feeling HeartHow do we see things?
Intuitive Thinking-HeadWhat types of light interactions are there?
Silver Intuitive FeelingHow does light behave in the universe?
(Self Expressive)

Quia Quiz: SCA_B08 Light & (MB08)

Practice Quiz: SCA_B08 Light
Take every day before sleeping!

Vocabulary Review Activities

 BrainPop Animations and Practice Quizes BrainPop

PearsonPPT-ThumbLight Slideshow


Interactions of Waves Chapter 1, Section3  Pages 24-29

Chapter 4-1 A Guided Reading
Reflection And Mirrors Chapter 4 Section 1: Pages 112-116:

Chapter 4-2 A Guided Reading
Refraction And Lenses: Chapter 4, Section 2 Pages 117-121

Seeing Light Chapter 4, Section4  Pages 129-132

NG Sound And Light
All About Light and Sound & worksheet
Pioneers of Light and Sound  & worksheet
Labs & Videos
build an atom
Making Waves

write up an experiment
based on this activity.
Lenses & Mirrors Virtual Lab Physlet
write up an experiment
based on this activity.
Ray Tracer
Optical Ray Tracer Applet
Prism Refraction Lab
Prism Refraction

write up an experiment
based on this activity.
Lens Shape Applet
Refraction Virtual Lab
Reflection and Refraction Applet
Refraction and Mediums (Snell's Law)

Lab 2. Refraction and Mediums
Plane Mirror & Law of Reflection Applets
write up an experiment
based on this activity.
Lens Combination
Lens Combination Lab

Mirrors PowerPoint Interactive

Lenses PowerPoint Interactive
molrcular motion
Gizmos Laser Reflection

Gizmos Mirrors-RayTracing

Gizmos Prism Refraction

Pressure-Temp Applet
Gizmos Lens-Ray Tracing


The Human Eye

Refraction Shooting Game
Refraction Shooting Game
  1. Walter Fendt EM Wave
  2. Harrison Wave Animation
  1. Color Vision Lab
  2. Additive Colors Lab

Light and the Doppler Effect
Mirrors & Lenses 

Video Lesson

YouTube Videos

Prentice Hall Videos

Bill Nye

Ligjht Optics & Espanol
Video Quiz & Esp

Ligjht & Color  & Espanol
Video Quiz & Esp
  1. Light Links
Study Jams
  1. Light Video Links

Khan Academy

Introduction To Light

Intro to Waves

Light Videos & Activities


Discrepant Event




New situations/applications

project to share
Reading & Math Work

Math and DataMath Logo
Projects by Learning Style and Media Type
Silver Sensing THinking Hand Sensing-Thinking (Mastery)
  1. Create a diagram that shows light waves as waves and particles.
Silver Sensing Feeling Heart Sensing-Feeling (Interpersonal)
A time when you...
  1. Show different ways that light is used by  humans.
Intuitive Thinking-Head Intuitive-Thinking (Understanding)
Playing with facts

  1. Create a diagram that compares or contrasts different interactions of light waves.
Silver Intuitive Feeling Intuitive-Feeling (Self-Expressive)
Creating new possibiliteis

  1. Show how light waves can act in the universe.

  1. Make a video or animation of atoms  (see options above.) Narrate, subtitle, or text page to show this week's concepts.

  1. Create a PowerPoint, ToonDoo, or other graphic that shows one of the projects above.

garagebandPodcast Audio

  1. Make a radio show, podcast, or song about the elements (see options above.) Narrate, subtitle, or text page to show this week's concepts.
ArtistMusicianLive Presentation Project

  1. Make a poster, play, song or cartoon showing your understanding of the elements in its many forms.
Essential Vocabulary & Concepts
Picture Core Knowledge or Concept
When light strikes an object, the light can be reflected, transmitted, or absorbed.

Objects can be transparent, translucent, or opaque.

We see most things because of the colors that are absorbed or reflected off of them. The rose reflects red and absorbs blue and green.
Law ofReflection
When a ray of light hits a surface it bounces off at an equal and opposite angle.

Law of reflection states that  the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.

In regular reflections, parallel rays reflect in parallel, giving a clear image.
In diffuse reflections, rays are scattered,
Focal Length
The technology of using lenses and mirrors to magnify images by bending light.
A focal point is where light rays meet at a point and an object may come into focus. Its location is given as a distance from the center of a lens or mirror.
Mirror Types
mirror is an object that reflects light.It can be shaped to change the size of an image.It comes in three basic shapes.
  1. plane: flat mirrors produce a reversed image
  2. concave: curved in towards the middle, they have a focal point and can create several different size and position images.
  3. convex: curved outwards from the middle, They create a smaller image 'behind' the mirror.
The curve of a mirror bends light by changing the angle it hits the surface of the mirror.

Index of refraction: Light travels at different speeds in different mediums. When a wave enters a medium at an angle, one side of the wave changes speed before the other side, causing the wave to bend or refract.

This is how lenses work.  
Types of Lenses
A lens is a shaped object that bends light. In can change the size of an image.  The shape of the lens controls the angle at which the light hits.
Lenses comes in two basic shapes.
  1. concave: curved in towards the middle, they have a focal point behind the lens and can create a smaller image.
  2. convex: curved outwards from the middle, they have a focal point in front of the lens and can create two types of images, upside-down enlarged and .
Eyeglasses and contact lenses focus images on the back of the eye.
Karl Jansky

Edwin Hubble (1889-1953 of Wheaton, Illinois) Used observations with light telescopes to confirm the existence of galaxies in an expanding universe..
The Hubble space telescope was named in his honor. It uses a large mirror.
Reflecting Telescope
refracting telescope

Light Telescopes:

Reflecting telescopes (invented by Sir Isaac Newton ca 1668) use concave mirrors to focus animage into a lens.

Refracting telescopes (first used for astronomy by Galileo Galilei in 1609) use lenses to magnify distant images.The first western telescopes appeared around 1600 in the Netherlands.