Science Skills
Science Skills
Nervous System
MS-LS1-8  Evidence Statement
Gather and synthesize information that sensory receptors respond to stimuli by sending messages to the brain for immediate behavior or storage as memories.

Quia Quiz: Tissues & Senses (M)

Take every day before sleeping!

Vocabulary Review Activities

 BrainPop Animations and Practice QuizesBrainPop


PearsonPPT-ThumbCells Slideshow


Vocabulary - Glossary

How The Nervous System Works: Chapter 7 Section 1: Pages 190-195:

Divisions Of The Nervous System:
Chapter 7 Section 2: Pages 196-205:
The Senses: Chapter 7 Section 3: Pages 206-214:
Hearing Sound Chapter 2, Section4  Pages 52-61

Human Biology Part 1
Human Biology Part 2

Brainworks - Memories and perception games - Reading Guide

Understanding Your Brain - Memory and Recall - Reading Guide

Head-To-Head - Football Concussions article

Science Scope Brain Tricks

NG Sound And Light
All About Light and Sound & worksheet

Science Skills Handbook
Appendix: Pages 202-214:
Process Skills Packet

Labs & Videos
Screenshot of the simulation Membrane Channels
PHET Color Vision

write up an experiment
Gizmos Sight Vs. Sound Reaction Time

write up an experiment

Gizmos Reaction Time

write up an experiment
PhET Neurons
Nervous System Diagram - Graded

  1. Nervous System Slides
  2. Nervous System Explanation Worksheet
Sensory Illusions - Graded

Sensory Organs

Senses Textbook - with sensory cells

Optical Illusions Explained PowerPoint & see links below

Memory Formation Notes - PowerPoint - Relexes, Emotional Reflexes, & Memory (espanol)

Memory Processing Notes Template

Understanding Your Brain - Memory and Recall - Reading Guide

Brain-Information Processing PPTX


NIH The Ear
NIH The Ear

The Ear
NobelPrize-The Ear

Memory Processing  Processing Problems

Torg - PE
  1. Graded PE Memory and Learning
  2. Packet
Brain Training
Visual Illusions

Can You Trust Your Eyes?
10 Mind Blowing Illusions - The Richest
30 Mind Blowing Optical Illusions
Minecraft Optical Illusions
Audio Illusions

4 Weird Audio Illusions
Can you trust your ears?
Audio Illusion - Brain Tricks? -(Use Headphones)

Monkey Business
Are You Paying Attention?
Livestrong Brain Training
The Human Eye
Study Jams
  1. Hearing
  2. Seeing
  3. Smelling
  4. Touching
  5. Tasting
  6. Nervous System

Bill Nye Brain video

on SchoolTube


Discrepant Event




New situations/applications

project to share
Reading & Math Work

Math and DataMath Logo
Projects by Learning Style and Media Type
Silver Sensing THinking Hand Sensing-Thinking (Mastery)
  1. Create a diagram that shows the nervous system.
Silver Sensing Feeling Heart Sensing-Feeling (Interpersonal)
A time when you...
  1. Show how __________________are parts of  the nervous system.
Intuitive Thinking-Head Intuitive-Thinking (Understanding)
Playing with facts

  1. Create a diagram that compares or contrasts different types of sense organs.
Silver Intuitive Feeling Intuitive-Feeling (Self-Expressive)
Creating new possibiliteis

  1. Show how ___________.

  1. Make a video or animation of atoms  (see options above.) Narrate, subtitle, or text page to show this week's concepts.

  1. Create a PowerPoint, ToonDoo, or other graphic that shows one of the projects above.

garagebandPodcast Audio

  1. Make a radio show, podcast, or song about the elements (see options above.) Narrate, subtitle, or text page to show this week's concepts.
ArtistMusicianLive Presentation Project

  1. Make a poster, play, song or cartoon showing your understanding of the elements in its many forms.
Essential Vocabulary & Concepts 
Picture Core Knowledge or Concept
Nerve tissue carries messages back and forth between the brain and every part of your body. Brain, spinal cord, sensory cells in the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body (touch.)
Parts of the Nervous System
  • Sensory neurons- Each of the  senses has a different cell to pick up a stimulus (light, sounds, odors, tastes, touch, heat, discomfort, etc)
  • Interneurons & motor neurons carry and deliver messages to the spinal cord, brain, and muscles.
  • Spinal Cord - Main pthway for neurons from the body. It can process reflexes without the brain. (like simple animal reflexes.)
  • Brain - In humans, it has many parts that process information, think, control the body, and store/retrieve memories.
Parts of the Brain
  • Medula- aka the brain stem, connects the brain to the spinal cord. Controls body functions.
  • Cerebellum controls movement.
  • Limbic System -aka ancient brain connects cerebrum to brain stem. The thalamus sends sensory information to the correct parts of the brain. The amygdala can get overloaded with emotions, block thinking, and create primitive fear and "fight or flight" responses.
  • The cerebrum is the outermost and largest part of the brain. It thinks, makes decisions, decodes and creates sentences, creates and recalls memories, etc.


Science Skills Stimulus and response processing
The brain or spinal cord receives information (stimulus) from the sensory organs.
Directs response to parts of the body 
Path of a stimulus 
  • Sensory neuron- receptors (eyes, ears, nose, etc.) picks up a stimulus from the environment.
  • Interneuron - the nerve impulse passes to the
  • spinal cord -sometimes the spinal cord acts before the brain gets the message(reflex.)
  • brain - processes the stimulus. Recalls memories and may store this one. It sends a signal to do something to a
  • motor neuron - sends a nerve impulse from the brain to the muscles to do something
  Memory - Types
  • Short-Term or Working memory - You can only hold on to several memories at a time that are forgotten in minutes unless stored in...
  • Long-Term Memory - is formed when neurons connect with other neurons in the cerebrum. A permanent long-term memory indicates learning.
    • Like Google, every time a memory is used, it gets easier to find.
    • The more connections to other memories, the easier it is to find.
    • Memories are sorted for storage by the hippocampus.
    • New memories are compared to old ones before storage.
  • Procedural Memory - how to do things - built by repetition - sports, dance, music, reading, math, etc. Motion is stored in the cerebellum.
  Memory Formation
Things that help memory storage, recall and thinking.
  • paying attention to the task (focus)
  • repeated practice over a longer time. (cramming does not make strong memories.)
  • Stable blood sugar (too much or too little hurts storage, recall and thinking.)
  • 7.5-9 hours of good sleep. Sleep refreshes the brain chemically, psychologically, and in thinking/memory processing. Naps and breaks are also good.
  • Hydration- neurons need water to work well. (dehydration leads to dizziness, tiredness, and the inability to think clearly.)
  • connections to what you know.
  • Exercise - releases chemicals that help learning.
  • multiple senses - seeing, hearing, moving create multiple paths to memory. Vision is the easiest to recall.
  • Elaboration - Analagies and alternative explanations make multiple paths in your brain.
  • Patterns - predictable and repeating patterns in information
Things that stop memory processing
  • Fear and stress - Your amygdala focuses you on threats and keeps you from using other parts of your brain. (exercise can help reduce this.)
  • Pain and discomfort - distract your attention
  • Multitasking - is not possible. Your brain splits time between tasks and does a poorer job at each one, making 50% more mistakes.
  • fixed mindset - the belief that you can not learn and grow in any given skill or knowledge shuts processing down. (the opposite of a growth mindset.)

Wilder Penfield (~1950) Father of Modern Neuroscience-

Discovered that low voltage electrodes that touched brains during surgery caused people to remember memories. Each memory had a specific location on the temporal lobe.


Neural Networks