Science Pseudoscience & Technology
Scientific Methods

Data - SMART Goal
Tech Design
Science Process Skills & Measurement
What do scientists do with curiosity?
Silver Sensing Thinking HandWhat are scientific thinking skills? (Mastery) Silver Sensing Feeling HeartHow can I think like a scientist? (Interpersonal)
Intuitive Thinking-HeadWhy do we need scientific thinking skills? (Understanding) Silver Intuitive FeelingHow do thinking skills make the world better? (Self Expressive)

Quia Practice Quiz: Process Skills & Measurement
 &  (MA01)

Take every day before sleeping!

Vocabulary Review Activities: (play them early and often!)

BrainPop Animations and Practice Quizes

Thinking Like a Scientist: Chapter 1 Section 1 & 2: Pages 6-22:
What Is Science 1994

Measurement with theMetric System 1994: Chapter 2 Sections 1 & 2 Pages 38-61

Mathematics In Science Summary & Adapted Reading Worksheet

Graphs In Science Summary
& Adapted Reading Worksheet

Scientists on the Cutting Edge Booklet

Science Skills Handbook 1999
Appendix: Pages 202-214:
Process Skills Packet

Labs & Videos

Penny Observation
Pre-Lab Worksheet Link
Confection Connection Observation
Pre-Lab Worksheet Link
Pre-Lab Worksheet Link

Which White Stuff?
Game & Images
knex parts
Telephone Game

Qualitative Observations

Chromatography - Markers
Write up a lab.

Crayola Activity Example

Fingerprint Text
Print Lab Sheet
Dusting for fingerprints with charcoal.
How to compare fingerprints Video
Qualitative Observations-Sounds
Describe the soundscapes with both similes and sound qualities (pitch, loudness, complexity, length, etc.

SoundScape 1

Qualitative Observations-Sounds
Describe the soundscapes with both similes and sound qualities (pitch, loudness, complexity, length, etc.

Soundscape 2

Qualitative Observations-Sounds
Describe the soundscapes with both similes and sound qualities (pitch, loudness, complexity, length, etc.

SoundScape 3

Qualitative Observations-Sounds
Describe the soundscapes with both similes and sound qualities (pitch, loudness, complexity, length, etc.

SoundScape 4

Introduction to Physics

  • Technical Drawings: Draw a car
  • Observation to Inference activities: Picture, Sound, and Touch: 2-column chart
  • Clock Observations

Measure the Golden Center
and other Quantitative Activities
Read mass from a Triple Beam Balance Univ Wisc
A Sense of Scale Part 1

A Sense of Scale Part 2

Nye Measurement Video

Discrepant Event




New situations/applications

project to share
Reading & Math Work
Reading HomeworkLogo

Math and Data Math Logo
Projects by Learning Style and Media Type
Silver Sensing THinking Hand Sensing-Thinking (Mastery)
  1. Create a diagram that shows what the basic metric measures for mass, volume, and distance are and how prefixes relate to sizes.
  2. Create a diagram showing definitions and examples of observations, inferences and  predictions.
Silver Sensing Feeling Heart Sensing-Feeling (Interpersonal)
A time when you...
  1. Measure things in your house, classroom, or outside and show how the sizes are related using the metric measures for mass, volume, and distance.
  2. Observe your family or friends' behavior like Jane Goodall did. Communicate an observation, draw an inference, and make a prediction.
Intuitive Thinking-Head Intuitive-Thinking (Understanding)
Playing with facts
  1. Create a diagram that shows what the basic metric measures for mass, volume, and distance are and how they can be related to each other.
  2. Create a diagram showing how an observation relates to an inference and a prediction.
Silver Intuitive Feeling Intuitive-Feeling (Self-Expressive)
Creating new possibiliteis
  1. Imagine a new world, home, or biome. Describe your world using the metric measures for mass, volume, and distance
  2. Communicate (in a way you can submit) an observation you made using any five senses. Then make an inference about explaining what it means. Then make a prediction

  1. Make a metric system video or animation showing your understanding of the units of mass, volume, length, and temperature.
  2. Make a video or animation about a crime story showing your understanding of the science process skills of observation, inference, prediction, modeling, and communication.

  1. Create a PowerPoint, ToonDoo, or other graphic that shows what the basic metric measures are and how prefixes relate to sizes.
  2. Make a PowerPoint, ToonDoo, or other graphic about a crime story showing your understanding of the science process skills of observation, inference, prediction, modeling, and communication.
garagebandPodcast Audio

  1. Make a metric system radio show or song showing your understanding of the units of about mass, volume, length, and temperature.
  2. Make a crime story radio play or song showing your understanding of the science process skills of observation, inference, prediction, modeling, and communication.
ArtistMusicianLive Presentation Project

  1. Make a metric system poster, play, song or cartoon showing your understanding of the units of mass, volume, length, and temperature.
  2. Make a crime story  play, cartoon, storyboard, or song showing your understanding of the science process skills of observation, inference, prediction, modeling, and communication.
Essential Vocabulary & Concepts
Picture Core Knowledge or Concept
Jane Goodall Science is the process of explaining the natural world.
 Observing is using your senses to gather information about the world.
Qualitative observations describe using words, diagrams, or models.
Quantitative observations measure using numbers.
Inferring is making sense of your observation.
Predicting is making an inference about a future event

Models help people understand things that they cannot observe directly.

Communicating is the process of sharing ideas and information with other people.

metric system
Metric System (International System of Units, SI) a system of measurement based on the number 10.
  •   A meter is the unit used to measure length, or the distance between two points.
  •   A liter is the unit used to measure the volume of a liquid or the amount of space it takes up. 
  •   A gram is used to measure the amount of matter in an object. 
  •   Degrees Celsius measure temperature.

Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall
used her skills of observation, inference, prediction, and communication in her studies of chimpanzee society.

A hodometer is used to measure distance by surveyors, building inspectors, and athletic field managers.