Sixth Grade Pacing Chart






Core Std

Tri 1

Tri 2

Tri 3

Bits I

I can describe and explain a ratio between two quantities. (Extension of Inv. 1)


1. Fundraising Fractions
2. Sharing And Comparing with Fractions





Bits I

I can explain a unit rate in a given ratio. (Extension of Inv. 2.5 and “Did you know?” on page 27.)





Bits I

I can use a number line to interpret which number is bigger or smaller. (Positive numbers too)

 1. Fundraising Fractions
2. Sharing And Comparing with Fractions





Bits I

I can locate decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers on a number line.

3. Moving between Fractions and Decimals
4. Working With Percents





Bits I

I can locate positive and negative numbers on a number line.

  1. Fundraising Fractions
2. Sharing And Comparing with Fractions





Bits I

I can use real-world context to interpret which number is bigger or smaller.

  1. Fundraising Fractions
2. Sharing And Comparing with Fractions





Shapes & Designs

I can classify, describe, compare, and sketch regular and irregular 2-D shapes.

1. Bees and Polygons
2. Polygons and Angles
3. Polygon Properties and Tiling
4. Building Polygons





Shapes & Designs

I can find a missing angle in a quadrilateral when given other angle measurements.

1. Bees and Polygons
2. Polygons and Angles
3. Polygon Properties and Tiling
4. Building Polygons





Shapes & Designs

I can solve problems involving complimentary and supplementary angles.

1. Bees and Polygons
2. Polygons and Angles
3. Polygon Properties and Tiling
4. Building Polygons





Bits II

I can find a percent of a quantity.

1. Estimating With Fractions
2. Adding and Subtracting Fractions
3. Multiplying With Fractions
4. Dividing With Fractions





Bits II

I can multiply and divide fractions with like and unlike denominators using algorithms, diagrams, and written explanations.

1. Estimating With Fractions
2. Adding and Subtracting Fractions
3. Multiplying With Fractions
4. Dividing With Fractions





Covering & Surrounding

I can find the area of triangles and quadrilaterals, and use those strategies to find the area of any polygon.

1. Designing Bumper Cars
2. Changing Area, Changing Perimeter
3. Measuring Triangles
4. Measuring Parallelograms
5. Measuring Irregular Shapes






I can solve problems using order of operations. (PEMDAS)

1. Order of operations. (PEMDAS)






I can read, write, and evaluate a variable expression or in a real world problem.

2. Variable Expressions








I can apply the properties or operations to create equivalent expressions.

3. Equivalent Expressions






I can identify when two expressions are equivalent.

3. Equivalent Expressions





Pre Bits III

I can fluently divide multi-digit numbers.

 1. Multi-digit Divisions





Bits III

I can fluently solve multi-digit decimal problems using all four basic operations.

1. Decimals _ More or Less
2. Decimal Times
3. The Decimal Divide
4. Using Percents
5. More About Percents





Shapes & Designs

I can draw and find the side lengths of polygons in the coordinate plane when given coordinates for the vertices.

1. Bees and Polygons
2. Polygons and Angles
3. Polygon Properties and Tiling
4. Building Polygons






I can identify the x- and y-axis and origin on a coordinate plane.  I can locate, identify, and graph an ordered pair on a coordinate plane (all four quadrants.)

1. Looking at Data
2. Using Graphs To Explore Data
3. What Do We Mean By Mean






I can apply real-world context to graph points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane. (Latitude, longitude, cartooning, drawing to scale on coordinate plane.)

1. Looking at Data
2. Using Graphs To Explore Data
3. What Do We Mean By Mean






I can recognize and make statistical questions that will include variability.

1. Looking at Data
2. Using Graphs To Explore Data
3. What Do We Mean By Mean






I can describe a set of data by its median, range, and overall shape.

1. Looking at Data
2. Using Graphs To Explore Data
3. What Do We Mean By Mean






I can find and explain the difference between mean, median, mode, and range.

1. Looking at Data
2. Using Graphs To Explore Data
3. What Do We Mean By Mean






I can summarize numerical data. (Number of occurrences, how it was measured, units of measurement, which measure measures of center is best, patterns, and shape of data.)

1. Looking at Data
2. Using Graphs To Explore Data
3. What Do We Mean By Mean






I can display data using a number line, dot plot, histogram, and box plots.

1. Looking at Data
2. Using Graphs To Explore Data
3. What Do We Mean By Mean





How Likely Is It?

I can represent probability as a fraction in simplest form, a decimal, or a percent (heads or tails) (½, 50%, 0.5)

1. A First Look at Chance
2. Experimental & Theoretical Probability
3. Making Decisions With Probability
4. Probability, Genetics, and Games





How Likely Is It?

I can find and compare the theoretical and experimental probability of a simple event (roll of a die, flip of a coin)

1. A First Look at Chance
2. Experimental & Theoretical Probability
3. Making Decisions With Probability
4. Probability, Genetics, and Games