Unit 2 Assignments
Describing Matter

Heat Pump

MS-PS1-4, MS-PS3-3, MS-PS3-4
Weather & Climate

MS-ESS2-5, MS-ESS2-6
Water Cycle
   Bundle 2 How does a change in thermal energy affect matter?
MS-ESS2-4  Evidence Statement
Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth's systems driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity.
 [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the ways water changes its state as it moves through the multiple pathways of the hydrologic cycle. Examples of models can be conceptual or physical.] [Assessment Boundary: A quantitative understanding of the latent heats of vaporization and fusion is not assessed.]
These concepts of energy transfer connect to the idea that the ocean exerts a major influence on weather and climate by absorbing energy from the sun, releasing it over time, and globally redistributing it through ocean currents (ESS2.D as in MS-ESS2-6), which in turn connects to the idea that global movements of water and its changes in form are propelled by sunlight and gravity (ESS2.C as in MS-ESS2-4). These concepts also connect to the idea that complex patterns of the changes and the movement of water in the atmosphere, determined by winds, landforms, and ocean temperatures and currents, are major determinants of local weather patterns (ESS2.C as in MS-ESS2-5).

Quia Practice Quizzes:

Take every day before sleeping!

Vocabulary Review Activities

 BrainPop Animations and Practice QuizesBrainPop

PearsonPPT-ThumbWater Slideshow

Folder 6th Grade Science Site

Folder 6th Grade Science Resources


Vocabulary - Glossary

Water Cycle  Chapter 1 Section 3: Pages 32-37: Guided Reading

Properties of Water: Chapter 1, Section 2 Pages 23-31 :

Water On Earth Excerpts Chapter 1, Section1  Pages 20-24
River Structure Diagram Pages 48-49 

Booklets Science Skills Handbook
Appendix: Pages 202-214:
Process Skills Packet

Labs & Videos

Glaciers PHET

write up an experiment
based on this activity.

Phases of Water Gizmo

Gizmos Lab packet doc &

Greenhouse Effect PHET

write up an experiment
based on this activity.

ETE Water Cycle

informational page
USGS Kids' Water Cycle
Gizmos Water Cycle

PE Practice
States Of Matter

based on this activity.
Sugar and Salt Solutions

conductivity, concentration, evaporative and crystal formation
Salts & Solubility Solutions
moolecule polarity
Molecules & Charge

write up an experiment
based on this activity.
write up an experiment
based on this activity.
NGSS - ESS 2-4 Earth's Systems
Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth's systems driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity.
PH Science Explorer
Earth- The Water Planet
  1. UAlberta Water Cycle Interactive
  2. EPA.gov Water Cycle Video
  3. NASA Water Cycle Game
  4. UCSD WaterCycle Simuation

VIsual Periodic Table
Visual Periodic Table
Bill Nye:

Water Cycle
& Quiz

Rivers & Streams & Quiz

Oceanography & Quiz
PBS Life of a Glacier
informational page

 Science Flix
Tornado in a bottle
Study Jams
  1. Water Cycle
  2. Clouds and Precipitation
  3. Earth's Atmosphere
  4. Oceans


Discrepant Event




New situations/applications

project to share
Reading & Math Work

  • Build-A-BookBuild-a-Book
Math and DataMath Logo
Projects by Learning Style and Media Type
Silver Sensing THinking Hand Sensing-Thinking (Mastery)
  1. Create a diagram that shows the water cycle and label its parts.
Silver Sensing Feeling Heart Sensing-Feeling (Interpersonal)
A time when you...
  1. Show how __________________are used by  humans.
Intuitive Thinking-Head Intuitive-Thinking (Understanding)
Playing with facts

  1. Create a diagram that compares or contrasts different parts of the water cycle.
Silver Intuitive Feeling Intuitive-Feeling (Self-Expressive)
Creating new possibiliteis

  1. Show how ___________.

  1. Make a video or animation of atoms  (see options above.) Narrate, subtitle, or text page to show this week's concepts.

  1. Create a PowerPoint, ToonDoo, or other graphic that shows one of the projects above.

garagebandPodcast Audio

  1. Make a radio show, podcast, or song about the elements (see options above.) Narrate, subtitle, or text page to show this week's concepts.
ArtistMusicianLive Presentation Project

  1. Make a poster, play, song or cartoon showing your understanding of the elements in its many forms.
Essential Vocabulary & Concepts
Picture Core Knowledge or Concept
Science Skills
The water cycle aka hydrologic cycle is the continuous process by which water moves through the living and nonliving parts of the environment.
In the water cycle, water moves from bodies of water, land, and living things on Earth's surface to the atmosphere
aand back to Earth's surface.
Science Skills Properties of Water
  • Water stores a large amount of energy. Specific heat is the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of a certain mass of a substance by 1 °Celsius. Compared to other substances, water requires a lot of heat to increase its temperature.
  • Ice is less dense than liquid water. Less dense substances, like the ice, float on more dense substances, like the liquid water.
Science Skills
Evaporation – liquid water becomes water vapor, a gas, in the atmosphere when water molecules at the surface of oceans, lakes, soil, puddles and our skin have absorbed enough heat (thermal) energy from the sun to change state. (textbook p.32/33)
Science Skills
Plant uptake – plants draw in water from the soil through their roots. (textbook p.33)
Science Skills
Transpiration – plants give off water through the leaves (occurs on the underside of leaves, through openings called stomata) in the form of water vapor. (textbook p.33/34)
Science Skills Sublimation – tiny amounts of water vapor enter the air from ice (glaciers and icebergs), when water passes directly from the solid state to the gaseous state. (textbook p.34)
Science Skills
Condensation – gaseous water vapor in the atmosphere changes into liquid water or solid ice crystals (deposition – phase change from gas straight to solid, forming the ice crystals that we know as snow), in the form of a cloud, when water vapor condenses as it cools and releases thermal energy. (textbook p.34)
Science Skills
Precipitation – water that falls to Earth due to gravity as rain, snow, sleet or hail when the water (solid or liquid) becomes too heavy for the cloud. (textbook p.34)
Science Skills
Runoff – when precipitation falls on land, some of the water runs off the surface of the land into rivers, lakes and oceans. (textbook p.34/35)
Science Skills Infiltration – water trickles down into the ground and forms groundwater. Groundwater may move underground until it reaches a river, lake or ocean. (textbook p.35)
Science Skills Animal consumption – some water passes through living things. Animals and people drink water and eventually release it back to the environment as waste. (textbook p.35)

