Unit 4 Assignments
Newton 3 Collisions

Newton 1-2 Forces

Mechanical Waves

MS-PS4-1, MS-PS4-2  
Unit 5 Assignments
Science Pseudoscience & Technology
Static & Magnets

Electromagnet Animation

Science Skills

Potential & Kinetic Energy
Bundle 5 How can objects interact at a distance?
MS-PS3-2  Evidence Statement
Develop a model to describe that when the arrangement of objects interacting at a distance changes, different amounts of potential energy are stored in the system
[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on relative amounts of potential energy, not on calculations of potential energy. Examples of objects within systems interacting at varying distances could include: the Earth and either a roller coaster cart at varying positions on a hill or objects at varying heights on shelves, changing the direction/orientation of a magnet, and a balloon with static electrical charge being brought closer to a classmate’s hair. Examples of models could include representations, diagrams, pictures, and written descriptions of systems.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to two objects and electric, magnetic, and gravitational interactions.] The performance expectation above was developed using the following elements from the NRC document
The concept that, when two objects interact, each one exerts a force on the other that can cause energy to be transferred to or from the object (PS3.C as in MS-PS3-2) can connect to the idea that forces that act at a distance (electric and magnetic) can be explained by fields that extend through space (PS2.B as in MS-PS2-5). These ideas also connect to the concept that electric and magnetic (electromagnetic) forces can be attractive or repulsive, and their sizes depend on the magnitudes of the charges, currents, or magnetic strengths involved and on the distances between the interacting objects (PS2.B as in MS-PS2-3).
 Bundle 4 What happens when objects collide?
MS-PS3-1  Evidence Statement
Construct and interpret graphical displays of data to describe the relationships of kinetic energy to the mass of an object and to the speed of an object.
[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on descriptive relationships between kinetic energy and mass separately from kinetic energy and speed. Examples could include riding a bicycle at different speeds, rolling different sizes of rocks downhill, and getting hit by a wiffle ball versus a tennis ball.]
MS-PS3-5  Evidence Statement
Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object.
[Clarification Statement: Examples of empirical evidence used in arguments could include an inventory or other representation of the energy before and after the transfer in the form of temperature changes or motion of object.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include calculations of energy.]
Motion energy is properly called kinetic energy; it is proportional to the mass of the moving object and grows with the square of its speed (PS3.A as in MS-PS3-1). This idea can be connected to the concept that when the motion energy of an object changes, there is inevitably some other change in energy at the same time (PS3.B as in MS-PS3-5). The concept of motion also connects to the idea that the motion of an object is determined by the sum of the forces acting on it; if the total force on the object is not zero, its motion will change (PS2.A as in MS-PS2-2). The idea of forces connects to the concept that for any pair of interacting objects, the force exerted by the first object on the second object is equal in strength to the force that the second object exerts on the first, but in the opposite direction (PS2.A as in MS-PS2-1).


Vocabulary Review Activities

BrainPop Animations and Practice Quizes

PearsonPPT-ThumbEnergy Slideshow     
PearsonPPT-ThumbMachines & Work Slideshow


The Nature of Energy Chapter 5 Section 1: Pages 140-147:

Energy Conversion and Conservation Chapter 5 Section 2: Pages 148-153:

Energy Sources Booklet
Energy Booklet
Introduction To Energy Booklet
Potential & Kinetic Energy Booklet

Science Skills Handbook
Appendix: Pages 202-214:
Process Skills Packet

(Online Textbook: Log onto Pearson.com, then click on the titles above for the online text.)
Labs & Videos
Skate Park
Energy Skate Park- Basics

Student Guide
write up an experiment
based on this activity.
Skate Park
Energy Skate Park

Student Guide
write up an experiment
based on this activity.
Energy Transformations
write up an experiment
based on this activity.
Newton's Cradle
write up an experiment
based on this activity.

Amusement Park Physics

design and test a roller coaster
write up an experiment
based on this activity.
mass & spring
Masses and Springs

write up an experiment
based on this activity.
write up an experiment
based on this activity.
Nuclear Fission

write up an experiment
based on this activity.

Gizmos-Sled Wars

Graph Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Mass, and Speed
Students Exploration & Espanol
Graphing Template
Forces and Motion
Forces and Motion

write up an experiment
based on this activity.

write up an experiment
based on this activity.

Forces and Motion
Gizmos- Roller Coaster Lab

Worksheet & Espanol
Practice PE 3-2 Potential Energy Storage
Forces and Motion
Gizmos- Pendulum Lab

Worksheet & Espanol

write up an experiment
Forces and Motion
Gizmos- Shelf Potential Energy Lab


write up an experiment
Forces and Motion
Gizmos- Energy Conversion Lab


write up an experiment
Forces and Motion
Gizmos- Energy Conversion-System Lab


write up an experiment
Potential vs Kinetic Energy Activities
Cartooning Physics
Draw forces, acceleration,and motion interacting.

Rubber Band Launcher Lab
on interacting.
PBS Energy Transfer in a Trebuchet
Energy Transformation activities
  • MS-PS3-1 Construct and interpret graphical displays of data to describe the relationships of kinetic energy to the mass of an object and to the speed of an object.
  • PS-3-1 LAB Write-Up & doc use the data from the last page to create a graph for work (energy) vs speed and work (energy) vs mass. Write an analysis for each lab write-up that describes how energy and speed and mass are related.
  • MS-PS3-2 
    Develop a model to describe that when the arrangement of objects interacting at a distance changes, different amounts of potential energy are stored in the system..
  • Create and describe a diagram of how potential energy changes as distance from the earth changes i.e. skate park, rollercoaster, mountain road, river with dams, "Mousetrap Game", etc

MS-PS3-2 PhET Skate Park Diagram & Espanol

Practice PE 3-2 Potential Energy Storage

  • MS-PS3-5  
    Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object.
  • Create and Write a description of a flow chart showing how energy changes forms in or between deveices in a system i.e. flashlight, electric toy, cooking, bicycle, etc
  • MS-PS3-5  Practice PowerPoint & pdf form- Send to One Note Energy tab when completed


Study Jams
Khan Academy



Discrepant Event




New situations/applications

project to share
Reading & Math Work

Math and DataMath Logo
Projects by Learning Style and Media Type
Silver Sensing THinking Hand Sensing-Thinking (Mastery)
  1. Create a diagram that shows showing how forms of energy can be created, used, or changed.
Silver Sensing Feeling Heart Sensing-Feeling (Interpersonal)
A time when you...
  1. Show how you use energy in your daily life. .
Intuitive Thinking-Head Intuitive-Thinking (Understanding)
Playing with facts

  1. Create a diagram that compares or contrasts many different forms of energy.
Silver Intuitive Feeling Intuitive-Feeling (Self-Expressive)
Creating new possibiliteis

  1. Show how energy exists accross the universe in large or microscopic systems.

  1. Make a video or animation of energy  (see options above.) Narrate, subtitle, or text page to show this week's concepts.

  1. Create a PowerPoint, ToonDoo, or other graphic that shows one of the projects above.

garagebandPodcast Audio

  1. Make a radio show, podcast, or song about energy (see options above.) Narrate, subtitle, or text page to show this week's concepts.
ArtistMusicianLive Presentation Project

  1. Make a poster, play, song or cartoon showing your understanding of energy in its many forms.
Essential Vocabulary & Concepts
Picture Core Knowledge or Concept
Energy Energy is the ability to do work or cause a change.

The unit of energy is the Joule.
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. It depends on mass and velocity.
(i.e. a book falling)

Potential energy is energy that is stored and ready to be released.
(i.e. a book on a table ready to fall)
  • Springs store elastic potential energy
  • Height stores gravitational potential energy.
Potential Energy = Weight * Height
(weight is in newtons, height in meters.) formula for gravity (Earth's = 9.8 m/s2)
Forms of Energy
Forms of energy and their sources
  • mechanical (motion): wind, water, machines, animals
  • thermal (heat): buring, the sun, electric heaters, chemical reactions
  • chemical (molecular bonds): chemical reactions, molecules
  • electrical (electrons): lightning, chemical reactions,  solar cells,  generators
  • electromagnetic(light, radio waves, x-rays, etc.): the sun, lights, heaters
  • nuclear (radiation). atoms breaking down or being made
Work is the transfer of energy between objects.
(Like a force that makes an object move.)

work = force * distance
(force is in newtons, distance in meters.)

The unit of work is the Joule.​
fire starter
Energy conversion occurs when one type (form) of energy is changed into another.
(i.e. electricity into sound, motion into heat, etc.)

newton's cradle
The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

Einstein's theory e=mc2 says that energy (e) can be converted to matter (m) and vice versa (and back again).

Enrico Fermi, the father of American Nuclear Physics at the University of Chicago. His work is continued in the Manhattan project, Argonne National Labs, and the Fermilab Accelerator in Batavia.

Lithium Ion Battery Technology: The new hot industry in Michigan is trying to turn cell phone and computer battery technology into a practical electric car.