Torgerson Science Agenda Calendar

August 2014 (Future dates reflect last year's curriculum, which is being updated to the new standards)


A01 Scientific Process
A01Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. none

  • Bring a Composition Notebook

Exit Slip:
  • none

  1. Lab Use Agreement
  2. Curriculum Overview
  3. Class Procedures
  4. Getting to Know You
  5. Draw a scientist working


A01 Scientific Process
A01Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. Quickwrite- what is science?


Exit Slip:
  • none

  1. Lab Use Agreement
  2. Curriculum Overview
  3. Class Procedures
  4. Getting to Know You
  5. Draw a scientist working
  6. Journal Set-up- Notebook Overview & format
  7. Hand Out Textbooks
  8. Notes page 202 - Define Observing, Predicting, and Inferring


A01 Scientific Process
A01Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. Describe the picture you see.


Exit Slip:
  • Notebook Entries

  1. Journal Set-up- Notebook Overview & format
  2. Process Skills Packet
  3. Notes page 202 - Define Observing, Predicting, and Inferring
  4. Chromatography - Filter Paper, Water, Markers.
    • draw set-up
    • predict what will happen
    • notes-Observations
    • notes-Inferences
    • What Quantitative observations can yo make? What tools do you need?
  5. Notes- Qualitative and Quantitative Observations
  6. Qualitative Observation Activities
  7. Penny Observation
  8. Class Procedures


September 2012

Labor Day

A01 Scientific Process
A01Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. Clock Observations : Quantity, Quality
  2. Quia Columns
  3. Quia Practice Quiz A01


Exit Slip:

  1. Class Procedures-Homework- e-forms
  2. Notebook Review: Vocabulary: Metric Units
    1. Table - Meters, Liters, Grams, Milli, Centi, Kilo
    2. Examples
  3. Quiz ---- Nye Measurement Video
  4. Metric System Text - Process Skills
  5. Metric System 1994
  6. Metric Steps
  7. Box Build   Mirkwood Designs
    1. Measure sides to fit paper or card
    2. build
    3. Volume of shape with beadds,marbles, etc
  8. Metric Stations
    1. Length - PowerPoint
    2. Volume - PowerPoint
    3. Mass - PowerPoint
  9. FolderMeasurement Folder


A01 Scientific Process
A01Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. Quia Hangman
  2. Quia Practice Quiz A01


Exit Slip:
  • notebook

  1. Review Metric System Homework, Class Procedures-Homework Editing w/Adobe Reader application
  2. Metric Stations
    1. Length - PowerPoint
    2. Volume - PowerPoint
    3. Mass - PowerPoint
  3. Box Build   Mirkwood Designs
    1. Measure sides to fit paper or card
    2. build
    3. Volume of shape with beadds,marbles, etc
  4. Build-A-Metric Box
  5. Data: Gizmos -  Plant Growth
  6. FolderMeasurement Folder - Reading Scales
  7. Notebook Review: graphs, charts, tables
  8. GraphsCharts, & Tables Text - Process Skills
  9. Metric System 1994

  • Notebook Data Graphs Charts and Tables
Thursday 9-11

A02 Scientific Method
A02Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. Quia Wordsearch
  2. Quia Jumbled Words
  3. Quia Columns
  4. Quia Scientific Method Practice Quiz


Exit Slip:

  1. Review Hypothesis Homework
  2. Scientific Method Simple Outline
  3. Scientific Method Intro Reading Comprehension - Word
  4. Scientific Method Experimental Design Packet- copy into your notebook
  5. Gizmos Grow a Plant- Experimental Write-UP
    In your notebooks, you will write up a full lab using the MMS Scientific Method Framework

  • Gizmos Grow a Plant- Experimental Write-UP
    In your notebooks, you will write up a fhypotheses for each of the variables: light, water, seed, soil/fertilizer/compost using the MMS Scientific Method Framework

A03 Motion Method
A03 Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. Quia Wordsearch or other games
  2. Quia Motion Practice Quiz
  3. Retake Quiz A02 Scientific Method


Exit Slip:
  • Close Reading
  • Motion of a Balloon Write-Up

  1. Motion of a Balloon Write-Up
  2. Unit Overview Vocabulary -
  3. Motion Close Reading Activity Textbook Pages 16-18
  4. Motion Section Summary
  5. Motion Math- speed = distance / time
  6. PHET: Motion in 2 Directions
  7. Bill Nye Motion Video & Quiz


A03 Motion Method
A03 Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. Quia Wordsearch or other games
  2. Quia Motion Practice Quiz
  3. Retake Quiz A02 Scientific Method


Exit Slip:
  • Close Reading

  1. Review Homework
  2. Motion Close Reading Activity Textbook Pages 16-18
  3. Motion Section Summary
  4. Gizmos- Distance / Time Graphs
    1. Change the points on the graph and see what happens.
    2. What does the slope of the graph show?
  5. Vector Math Interactive
  6. Motion Math- speed = distance / time problems
    1. meter sticks and timers
    2. Lego kits
    3. Marbles and hotwheels tracks
  7. Graphing with Smart PowerPoint / Excel Tools
  8. Speed Graph PowerPoint Template: Distance vs Time
  9. Speed Graphs Worksheet
  10. PHET: Motion in 2 Directions
  11. The Moving ManThe Moving Man
    1. Record and playback motion and chart it.
    2. What does the slope of the graph show?
  12. Bill Nye Motion Video & Quiz


Friction Gravity
A06Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. Open One Note and Set up a section called Gravity and a section called Definitions
  2. Notes-Vocabulary - copy into One Note
  3. Quia Columns
  4. Quia Practice Quiz


Exit Slip:

  1. Read aloud: Newton's Discovery (Engage) (5 min)
  2. Gravity Experiment Write Up Newton Reading & Instructions. write up an experiment .
  3. OneNote
    1. Notes-Vocabulary
    2. Adapted Text
  4. Forces in 1 DimensionForces of Gravity
  5. Mass & Weight & Worksheet
  6. Einstein's Gravity Sheets
  7. Gravity Activities
  8. MMS Technological Design Framework
  9. Gravity Racer Design Help Page


Friction Gravity
A06Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. Quia Columns
  2. Quia Practice Quiz

  1. continue to work on NASA Planets Website - Gravity and Planets Write Up page - Individual Worksgheet Product is a 3-minute video or live group presentation tomorrow on your planet's properties, including gravity.
  2. .

Exit Slip:
  1. NASA Planets Website - Gravity and Planets Write Up page - Individual Worksgheet Product is a 3-minute video or live group presentation tomorrow on your planet's properties, including gravity.

  1. Review Gravity AR
  2. Moon and Gravity
    Gravity and Orbits
  3. Forces in 1 DimensionForces of Gravity
  4. NASA Planets Website - Gravity and Planets Write Up Page- Individual Worksgheet Product is a 3-minute video or live group presentation tomorrow on your planet's properties, including gravity.
  5. Einstein's Gravity Sheets
  6. Gravity Activities
  7. MMS Technological Design Framework
  8. Gravity Racer Design Help Page


Friction Gravity
A06Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. Quia Columns
  2. Quia Practice Quiz

  1. continue to work on make up work in PowerSchool
  2. Practice the Quia Quizes and Games
  3. Retake Make-Up work or Motion Page Activities
    1. Practice VLC Scientific Vocab Test
    2. Observation and Inferences Practice Test

Exit Slip:
  1. NASA Planets Website - Gravity and Planets Write Up page - Individual Worksgheet Product is a 3-minute video or live group presentation tomorrow on your planet's properties, including gravity. Weigh Yourself on the Planets App

  1. Gravity Presentation - Weigh Yourself on the Planets App
    1.  Class Planet Data Worksheet
    2. speaking / video rubric
  2. Screenshot of the simulation My Solar System
    My Solar System
    - Discover what would happen if gravity and inertia changed for your planets.
  3. The Moving Man
    Gizmos- Weight & Mass
    - how does gravity affect the weight of different objects
  4. Moon and Gravity
    Gravity and Orbits
  5. Forces in 1 DimensionForces of Gravity
  6. NASA Planets Website - Gravity and Planets Write Up Page- Individual Worksgheet Product is a 3-minute video or live group presentation tomorrow on your planet's properties, including gravity.
  7. Einstein's Gravity Sheets
  8. Gravity Activities
  9. MMS Technological Design Framework
  10. Gravity Racer Design Help Page


Friction Gravity
A06Proficiency To Do List

Get Started
  1. Retake Make-Up work or Motion Page Activities
    1. Practice VLC Scientific Vocab Test
    2. Observation and Inferences Practice Test
  2. Quia Columns
  3. Quia Practice Quiz

  1. continue to work on make up work in PowerSchool
  2. Practice the Quia Quizes and Games
  3. Retake Make-Up work or Motion Page Activities
    1. Practice VLC Scientific Vocab Test
    2. Observation and Inferences Practice Test

Exit Slip:
  1. NASA Planets Website - Gravity and Planets Write Up page - Individual Worksgheet Product is a 3-minute video or live group presentation tomorrow on your planet's properties, including gravity. Weigh Yourself on the Planets App

  1. Force Arrows MiniLesson
  2. LadyBug Motion
    LadyBug Motion
  3. Gravity Simulation Page
  4. Screenshot of the simulation My Solar System
    My Solar System
    - Discover what would happen if gravity and inertia changed for your planets.
  5. Moon and Gravity
    Gravity and Orbits
  6. Forces in 1 DimensionForces of Gravity
  7. Einstein's Gravity Sheets
  8. Gravity Activities
  9. MMS Technological Design Framework
  10. Gravity Racer Design Help Page
  11. Gravity Video

    Gravity Quiz

Get Started
  1. Quia Gravitational Attraction Evaluation and quickwrite about the slingshoting moon simulation
  2. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password
  3. Retake Make-Up work or Motion Page Activities
    1. Practice VLC Scientific Vocab Test
    2. Observation and Inferences Practice Test
  4. Check PowerSchool
  5. Vocab Games
  6. Columns
  7. Hangman
  8. Practice Magnets Quiz


Exit Slip:
  1. Gizmos Lesson Packet
  2. Quia Gravitational Attraction Evaluation

  1. Unit Overview
    1. Make a OneNote section called Magnetism
    2. Copy or Print-Send  Vocabulary Into OneNote
    3. & Unit Overview
  2. molecular motion Gizmos Magnetism
  3. Gizmos Lesson Packet
  4. Magnetic Field-Pearson Sim
  5. Measure Magnetic Force Over a Distance with Magnetix.
  6. Magnet Activities-Liem- floating paper clip, hanging magnets, compass-magnetic confusion, temporary magnet.
  7. Magnet Activities-TOPS-Pole Interacions, bb pick-up with magnetix, weak link-through paper, table, etc.
  8. Map a Magnetic Field Lab Activity
    1. NASA Video
    2. Magnet & Compass PHET
    3. Magnet & Compass Applet
    4. Map a Magnetic Field  - Do page 2 and turn in
  9. Magnets & Electromagnets
    Magnets and Electromagnets
  10. The Mystery Of Magnets (National Geographic)
    1. Worksheets
  11. Bill Nye

    Magnets Video Quiz
  12. Imagineering Magnetism Quiz

Get Started
  1. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password
  2. Vocab Games
  3. Columns
  4. Hangman
  5. Practice Static Quiz

  1.  Static Electricity Adapted Reading

Make-Up Work

  1. Check PowerSchool - all make-up work is linked from each assignment. Laptop Lounge is available for students without internet access at home.
  2. Retake Make-Up work or Motion Page Activities
    1. Practice VLC Scientific Vocab Test
    2. Observation and Inferences Practice Test
    3. Quia Gravitational Attraction Evaluation
  3. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password

Exit Slip:

  1. Unit Overview Vocabulary & Unit Overview
  2. Copy  Electric Charge Adapted Reading into OneNote
  3. Notes: Nature Of Static Charges
  4. Brainpop-Static- Take the Quiz
  5. Study Jams Electricity - Take the Quiz
  6. Static Charges Applet 1
  7. Electric Fields Applet
  8. Electric Fields Applet 2
  9. Static Field Hockey
  10. Compare and Contrast
  11. Unknown Charges
  12. Electric Field of Dreams
  13. Balloons Applet
  14. Liem Activities
  15. Aims Activities
  16. Bill Nye

    Static Electricity Video Quiz
  17. Textbook pages 46-53

Get Started
  1. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password
  2. Vocab Games
  3. Columns
  4. Hangman
  5. Practice Static Quiz


Make-Up Work

  1. Check PowerSchool - all make-up work is linked from each assignment. Laptop Lounge is available for students without internet access at home.
  2. Retake Make-Up work or Motion Page Activities
    1. Practice VLC Scientific Vocab Test
    2. Observation and Inferences Practice Test
    3. Quia Gravitational Attraction Evaluation
  3. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password

Exit Slip:
  • Lab Write-ups
  • MS-PS2-5
    Conduct an investigation and evaluate the experimental design to provide evidence that fields exist between objects exerting forces on each other even though the objects are not in contact.

  1. Unit Overview Vocabulary & Unit Overview
  2. Copy  Electric Charge Adapted Reading into OneNote
  3. Measure Magnetic Force Over a Distance with Magnetix.
  4. Measure Static Electricity Lab

Get Started
  1. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz


Make-Up Work


Exit Slip:
  1. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password

  1. Review Gravity
  2. Quia Gravitational Attraction Evaluation
  3. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password
  4. PowerSchool -CLICK ON LOW GRADES- WORK IS LINKED THERE Retake Make-Up work or Motion Page Activities
    1. Practice VLC Scientific Vocab Test
    2. Observation and Inferences Practice Test
    3. Quia Gravitational Attraction Evaluation and quickwrite about the slingshoting moon simulation
  5. Bill Nye

    Static Electricity Video Quiz
  6. Bill Nye

    Magnets Video Quiz

Get Started
  1. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz
  2. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password

  1. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password
  2. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz
  3. PowerSchool -CLICK ON LOW GRADES- WORK IS LINKED THERE Retake Make-Up work or Motion Page Activities
    1. Practice VLC Scientific Vocab Test
    2. Observation and Inferences Practice Test
    3. Quia Gravitational Attraction Evaluation and quickwrite about the slingshoting moon simulation

Exit Slip:
  • Faraday Electromagnet Lab Write Up
    • MS-PS2-3  Ask questions about data to determine the factors that affect the strength of electric and magnetic forces.

  1. Overview Electromagnetism : Paste Vocabulary into Magnetism One-Note Tab
  2. Electromagnetism Adapted Reading : Paste into Magnetism One-Note Tab
  3. Electromagnets-Textbook & Guided Reading
  4. Notes - Electromagnetism
  5. Electromagnetic Induction Brainpop take the review quiz
  6. Electromagnets Brainpop take the review quiz
  7. Electromagnetism

  8. Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab
  9. Faraday Electromagnet Lab Write Up
    • MS-PS2-3  Ask questions about data to determine the factors that affect the strength of electric and magnetic forces.

  10. Snaptricity Lesson 3 Electromagnets
  11. Generator Generator
  12. Faraday's LawFaraday's Law
  13. Making electricity from magnetism- Activity
  14. Making magnets with electricity - Activity
  15. Electromotor Demo -
  16. Activity Guide Worksheets
  17. Electromagnets Page​

  1. Notes - Electromagnetism

A05 Forces

Get Started
  1. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password
  2. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz


Exit Slip:
  1. Midterm - Quia
  2. Magnets & Statics Quiz

  1. Check PowerSchool & Make-Up work on Quia
  2. OneNote
  3. Introduce Forces Unit
  4. Midterm - Quia
  5. Magnets & Statics Quiz
  6. Forces

  7. Schlessinger Force Video & Questions
  8. Bill Nye Motion Video

    Nye Motion Quiz

  • none

A05 Forces

Get Started
  1. Improve your grades on these quizzes by going to Quia or PowerSchool for scores
  2. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password
  3. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz
  4. Quia PracticeQuiz - Forces

  1. Midterm Practice Quiz use your Compass username and password
  2. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz
  3. Quia PracticeQuiz - Forces

Exit Slip:
  1. Review Forces Adapted Reading in one note
  2. Review Worksheet in one note
  3. Guided Reading Worksheet in One Note

  1. Review Forces Adapted Reading
  2. OneNote
  3. Introduce Forces Unit
  4. Forces & EnergyTextbook read
  5. AudiobookAudioBook read in PowerPoint - click on speakers


A05 Forces Method

Get Started
  1. Improve your grades on these quizzes by going to Quia or PowerSchool for scores
  2. Midterm Practice Quiz = (M) use your Compass username and password
  3. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz ----(M)
  4. Quia PracticeQuiz - Forces
  5. Quia Columns

  1. Check PowerSchool - all make-up work is linked from each assignment. Laptop Lounge is available for students without internet access at home.
  2. Midterm Practice Quiz = (M) use your Compass username and password
  3. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz ----(M)
  4. Quia PracticeQuiz - Forces

Exit Slip:

  1. Review Force Arrows Revised-Open and edit
  2. Study JamsForce & Motion - Take The Quiz
    1. Newton's 1st Law: Inertia
    2. Gravity and Inertia
  3. BrainPopNewton's Laws of Motion - Take The Quiz
  4. Forces and Motion: BasicsPHET Basic Forces
  5. Forces In 1 Dimension Interactive
  6. Forces & Motion Interactive
  7. Gizmos Fan Cart & Worksheet
  8. Tik Liem Activities- #13.3 Falling Pennies
  9. Forces and Audiobook
    Chapter 2 Section 1: Pages 44-51:
  10. Guided Reading Notes

  • none

A05 Forces Method

Get Started
  1. Quia PracticeQuiz - Forces
  2. Quia Columns

  1. Check PowerSchool - all make-up work is linked from each assignment. Laptop Lounge is available for students without internet access at home.
  2. Midterm Practice Quiz = (M) use your Compass username and password
  3. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz ----(M)
  4. Quia PracticeQuiz - Forces

Exit Slip:
  • Lab Write-Up
  •  (Lab Design Help)
  • MS-PS2-2 
    Plan an investigation to provide evidence that the change in an object’s motion depends on the sum of the forces on the object and the mass of the object.

  1. Review Force Arrows Revised-Open and edit
  2. Friction Friction
  3. Friction Vocabulary - types of friction
  4. example Sticky Sneaker
  5. example Friction Lab Box pull or ramp slide: wax, sand and regular papers
  6. Design and run a lab - MS-PS2-2 
    Plan an investigation to provide evidence that the change in an object’s motion depends on the sum of the forces on the object and the mass of the object.
  7. Forces and Motion: BasicsPHET Basic Forces
  8. Forces In 1 Dimension Interactive
  9. Forces & Motion Interactive
  10. Gizmos Fan Cart & Worksheet
  11. Forces and Audiobook
    Chapter 2 Section 1: Pages 44-51:
  12. Guided Reading Notes

  • none

A05 Forces Method

Get Started
  1. Quia PracticeQuiz - Forces
  2. Quia Columns

  1. Check PowerSchool - all make-up work is linked from each assignment. Laptop Lounge is available for students without internet access at home.
  2. Midterm Practice Quiz = (M) use your Compass username and password
  3. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz ----(M)
  4. Quia PracticeQuiz - Forces

Exit Slip:

  1. Friction Vocabulary - types of friction
  2. example Sticky Sneaker
  3. example Friction Lab Box pull or ramp slide: wax, sand and regular papers
  4. Design and run a lab - MS-PS2-2 
    Plan an investigation to provide evidence that the change in an object’s motion depends on the sum of the forces on the object and the mass of the object.
  5. Forces and Motion: BasicsPHET Basic Forces
  6. Forces In 1 Dimension Interactive
  7. Forces & Motion Interactive
  8. Gizmos Fan Cart & Worksheet
  9. Bill Nye Motion Video

    Nye Motion Quiz

  • none

Columbus Day - No School

A05 Forces Method

Get Started
  1. Quia Practice - Forces
  2. Quia Columns
  3. Quia Battleship
  4. Quia Millionaire

  1. Check PowerSchool - all make-up work is linked from each assignment. Laptop Lounge is available for students without internet access at home.
  2. Midterm Practice Quiz = (M) use your Compass username and password
  3. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz ----(M)
  4. Quia Practice - Forces

Exit Slip:

  1. Tech Design  Vocabulary -Copy into OneNote
  2. Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template
  3. Tech Design Book : The Process of Design
  4. Disney Imagineering Design Video

  1. Tech Design  Vocabulary -Copy into OneNote

A05 Forces Method

Get Started
  1. Quia Practice - Forces
  2. Quia Columns
  3. Quia Battleship
  4. Quia Millionaire

  1. Check PowerSchool - all make-up work is linked from each assignment. Laptop Lounge is available for students without internet access at home.
  2. Midterm Practice Quiz = (M) use your Compass username and password
  3. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz ----(M)
  4. Quia Practice - Forces

Exit Slip:

  1. Tech Design  Vocabulary -Copy into OneNote
  2. Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template
  3. Tech Design Book : The Process of Design
  4. Study JamsNewton'sThird Law: Action/Reaction
  5. AudiobookAudioBookForces & EnergyTextbook
  6. CollisionCollision Lab- Newton's Third Law and Momentum
    1. Lab Activity Worksheet
  7. Egg Drop Design Example - Make a Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template

  1. Tech Design  Vocabulary -Copy into OneNote

A05 Forces Method

Get Started
  1. Quia Practice - Forces
  2. Quia Columns
  3. Quia Battleship
  4. Quia Millionaire

  1. Check PowerSchool - all make-up work is linked from each assignment. Laptop Lounge is available for students without internet access at home.
  2. Midterm Practice Quiz = (M) use your Compass username and password
  3. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz ----(M)
  4. Quia Practice - Forces

Exit Slip:

  1. Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template
  2. AudiobookAudioBookForces & EnergyTextbook -
  3. Guided Reading Worksheet
  4. Diagramming Forces Worksheet
  5. NotebookSummary
  6. Egg Drop Design Draft - Make a Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template

  1. NotebookSummary - copy into One-Note

A05 Forces Method

Get Started
  1. Quia Practice - Forces
  2. Quia Columns
  3. Quia Battleship
  4. Quia Millionaire

  1. Design of a crash protector (i.e. car bumper or egg-drop vehicle.) Search: "school project car crash" "school project egg drop" (standard PS2-1 Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template
    1. Top, Fornt, & side Views
    2. Sizes and labels describing parts shown
    3. Materials List for all parts
  2. Check PowerSchool - all make-up work is linked from each assignment. Laptop Lounge is available for students without internet access at home.
  3. Midterm Practice Quiz = (M) use your Compass username and password
  4. Practice Magnets & Static Quiz ----(M)
  5. Quia Practice - Forces

Exit Slip:

  1. Quia - Forces
  2. Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template
  3. Design of a crash protector (i.e. car bumper or egg-drop vehicle.) Search: "school project car crash" "school project egg drop" (standard PS2-1 Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template
    1. Top, Fornt, & side Views
    2. Sizes and labels describing parts shown
    3. Materials List for all parts
  4. Egg Drop Design Draft - Make a Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template
  5. A07-Tech Design - Simple Machines and Structures Videos
  6. Bill Nye Friction Video

    Friction Quiz
  7. Energy Activities

  1. NotebookSummary - copy into One-Note

October 2013

Monday: 10-20
Get Started
  1. Quia Practice - Forces
  2. Energy Columns
  3. Energy Hangman
  4. Energy Matching,Wordsearch,Concentration, Flashcards
  5. Energy Practice Quiz


Exit Slip:
  1. Quia Practice - Forces - (M)

  1. OneNote- Vocabulary
  2. Energy notes- Write Down keywords and meanings with diagrams and labels
  3. Forces & EnergyTextbook- Highlight facts in red and examples in blue.
  4. AudiobookAudioBk
  5. Schlessinger Kinetic and Potential Energy Video & Questions
  6. Spool Racer & Son of Spool Racer
  7. Coffee Can Racer
  8. Brainpop Kinetic Energy- take the quiz
  9. Brainpop Potential Energy- take the quiz
  10. mass & spring Masses and Springs

  11. Amusement Park Physics
  12. Columns
  13. Hangman
  14. Matching,Wordsearch,Concentration, Flashcards
  15. Notes- Types of Energy
  16. Forces and Motion Gizmos-
    Shelf Potential Energy Lab
  17. Pendulums Pendulums
  18. Science Works - Energy Video


Wednesday: 10-22

A09 Energy

Get Started
  1. Practice Quiz: Energy
  2. Energy Matching,Wordsearch,Concentration, Flashcards
  3. Energy Columns
  4. Energy Hangman
  5. Energy Millionaire
  6. Energy Battleship


Exit Slip:
  1. MS-PS3-1 Construct and interpret graphical displays of data to describe the relationships of kinetic energy to the mass of an object and to the speed of an object.
  2. LAB Write-Up

  1. MS-PS3-1 Construct and interpret graphical displays of data to describe the relationships of kinetic energy to the mass of an object and to the speed of an object.
  2. LAB Write-Up
  3. Amusement Park Physics
  4. Gizmos-Sled Wars
  5. Bill Nye Energy Video

  • none
Thursday: 10-23

A09 Energy

Get Started
  1. Practice Quiz: Energy
  2. Energy Matching,Wordsearch,Concentration, Flashcards
  3. Energy Columns
  4. Energy Hangman
  5. Energy Millionaire
  6. Energy Battleship


Exit Slip:

  1. Copy the Chapter Summary into OneNote : Energy tab
  2. Review Energy Transformations Adapted Reading

  3. PrenHall Energy Resources
  4. Forces & EnergyTextbook & Guided Reading
  5. AudiobookAudioBk
  6. Pendulums Energy Transformations
  7. Forces and MotionGizmos-Energy Conversion Lab
  8. generator Generator
  9. Skate Park Energy Skate Park- Basics
  10. Energy Sources Reading & Energy
  11. Make-Up Work or Independent Study
  12. After you return your grade sheet- go to the science portal or check out the science news site for independent study.

Friday: 10-24

A09 Energy

Get Started
  1. Practice Quiz: Energy
  2. Energy Matching,Wordsearch,Concentration, Flashcards
  3. Energy Columns
  4. Energy Hangman
  5. Energy Millionaire
  6. Energy Battleship


Exit Slip:

  1. BrainPopBrainpop Forms of Energy
  2. Forms of Energy and Renewable Resources

  3. Bill Nye Energy
  4. Guided Reading -Fill out using information from Energy Sources Booklet and Textbook pages 144-145
  5. Energy Sources Reading & Energy
  6. Forces & EnergyTextbook. Chapter 5.1-
  7. AudiobookAudioBk
  8. NotebookChapter 5.1 Nature of Energy Summary
  9. BrainPopBrainpop :
    1. Energy Sources
    2. Nuclear Energy
    3. Wind Energy
    4. Solar Energy
  10. Study Jams
  11. Forces & EnergyTextbook 5.2 & Guided Reading
  12. AudiobookAudioBk
  13. Pendulums Energy Transformations
  14. Forces and MotionGizmos-Energy Conversion Lab
  15. generator Generator
  16. Skate Park Energy Skate Park- Basics
  17. Make-Up Work or Independent Study
  18. After you return your grade sheet- go to the science portal or check out the science news site for independent study.

Monday: 10-27

A09 Energy

Get Started
  1. Practice Quiz: Energy
  2. Energy Matching,Wordsearch,Concentration, Flashcards
  3. Energy Columns
  4. Energy Hangman
  5. Energy Millionaire
  6. Energy Battleship


Exit Slip:
  • MS-PS3-5  
    Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object.
  • Create and Write a description of a flow chart showing how energy changes forms in or between deveices in a system i.e. flashlight, electric toy, cooking, bicycle, etc

  1. Create and Write a description of a flow chart showing how energy changes forms in or between deveices in a system i.e. flashlight, electric toy, cooking, bicycle, etc
  2. Pendulums Energy Transformations
  3. BrainPopBrainpop Forms of Energy
  4. Forces & EnergyTextbook. Chapter 5.1-
  5. Guided Reading -Fill out using information from Energy Sources Booklet and Textbook pages 144-145
  6. AudiobookAudioBk
  7. NotebookChapter 5.1 Nature of Energy Summary
  8. BrainPopBrainpop :
    1. Forms of Energy
    2. Energy Sources
    3. Nuclear Energy
    4. Wind Energy
    5. Solar Energy
  9. Forces & EnergyTextbook 5.2 & Guided Reading
  10. AudiobookAudioBk
  11. Forces and MotionGizmos-Energy Conversion Lab
  12. generator Generator
  13. Skate Park Energy Skate Park- Basics
  14. Make-Up Work or Independent Study
  15. After you return your grade sheet- go to the science portal or check out the science news site for independent study.

Tuesday: 10-28

A09 Energy

Get Started
  1. Practice Quiz: Energy
  2. Energy Matching,Wordsearch,Concentration, Flashcards
  3. Energy Columns
  4. Energy Hangman
  5. Energy Millionaire
  6. Energy Battleship


Exit Slip:
  • MS-PS3-5 
    Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object.
  • Practice Quiz: Energy
  • Create and Write a description of a flow chart showing how energy changes forms in or between deveices in a system i.e. flashlight, electric toy, cooking, bicycle, etc

  1. Create and Write a description of a flow chart showing how energy changes forms in or between deveices in a system i.e. flashlight, electric toy, cooking, bicycle, etc
  2.  Pendulums Energy Transformations
  3. BrainPopBrainpop Forms of Energy
  4. Forces & EnergyTextbook. Chapter 5.1-
  5. Guided Reading -Fill out using information from Energy Sources Booklet and Textbook pages 144-145
  6. AudiobookAudioBk
  7. NotebookChapter 5.1 Nature of Energy Summary
  8. BrainPopBrainpop :
    1. Forms of Energy
    2. Energy Sources
    3. Nuclear Energy
    4. Wind Energy
    5. Solar Energy
  9. Forces & EnergyTextbook 5.2 & Guided Reading
  10. AudiobookAudioBk
  11. Forces and MotionGizmos-Energy Conversion Lab
  12. generator Generator
  13. Skate Park Energy Skate Park- Basics
  14. Make-Up Work or Independent Study
  15. After you return your grade sheet- go to the science portal or check out the science news site for independent study.

Wednesday: 10-29

A09 Energy

Get Started
  1. Practice Quiz: Energy & (M)
  2. Energy Matching,Wordsearch,Concentration, Flashcards
  3. Energy Columns
  4. Energy Hangman
  5. Energy Millionaire
  6. Energy Battleship


Exit Slip:
  • MS-PS3-2 
    Develop a model to describe that when the arrangement of objects interacting at a distance changes, different amounts of potential energy are stored in the system..
  • Create and describe a diagram of how potential energy changes as distance from the earth changes i.e. skate park, rollercoaster, mountain road, river with dams, "Mousetrap Game", etc
  • Practice Quiz: Energy & (M)

  1. Create and describe a diagram of how potential energy changes as distance from the earth changes i.e. skate park, rollercoaster, mountain road, river with dams, "Mousetrap Game", etc
  2. Brainpop Kinetic Energy
  3. Brainpop Potential Energy
  4. PendulumsPendulums
  5. mass & spring Masses and Springs
  6. Amusement Park Physics
  7. Gizmos-Sled Wars
  8. Skate Park Energy Skate Park- Basics
  9. Forces & EnergyTextbook. Chapter 5.1-
  10. NotebookChapter 5.1 Nature of Energy Summary
  11. Make-Up Work or Independent Study
  12. After you return your grade sheet- go to the science portal or check out the science news site for independent study.

Thursday: 10-30

A09 Energy

Get Started
  1. Practice Quiz: Energy & (M)
  2. Energy Matching,Wordsearch,Concentration, Flashcards
  3. Energy Columns
  4. Energy Hangman
  5. Energy Millionaire
  6. Energy Battleship


Exit Slip:

  1. MS-PS3-2  & MS-PS3-5
    Energy Transformation Writing Assignment
    1. Forces & EnergyTextbook 5.2 Energy Transformations & Guided Reading
    2. AudiobookAudioBk 5.2 Energy Transformations
    3. Forces & EnergyTextbook. Chapter 5.1-
    4. NotebookChapter 5.1 Nature of Energy Summary
    5. AudiobookAudioBk
  2. BrainPop
    1. Brainpop Forms of Energy
    2. Nuclear Energy
    3. Wind Energy
    4. Solar Energy
    5. Brainpop Kinetic Energy
    6. Brainpop Potential Energy
  3. PendulumsPendulums
  4. mass & spring Masses and Springs
  5. Amusement Park Physics
  6. Gizmos-Sled Wars
  7. Skate Park Energy Skate Park- Basics
  8. Make-Up Work or Independent Study
  9. Nye Heat Video

  10. After you return your work folder- go to the science portal or check out the science news site for independent study.


Get Started
  1. Matching, Wordsearch, Flash Cards, Concentration
  2. Columns
  3. Practice Heat Quiz


Exit Slip:
  1. Nye Heat Quiz

  1. Vocabulary- Copy to One Note
  2. Thermal Energy Adapted Reading
  3. NotebookSummary Copy To OneNote
  4. Forces & EnergyTextbook Chapter 6.1 Temperature and Thermal Energy
  5. AudiobookAudioBk
  6. Nye Heat Video


Notebook Notebook
  1. Vocabulary- Copy to One Note
  2. Thermal Energy Adapted Reading
  3. Summary Copy To OneNote

Get Started
  1. Practice Final Exam
  2. Matching, Wordsearch, Flash Cards, Concentration
  3. Columns
  4. Practice Heat Quiz


Exit Slip:
  1. Nye Heat Quiz

  1. Thermal Energy Adapted Reading Copy/Print to One Note Heat Tab
  2. NotebookSummary Heat Transfer Copy / Print To OneNote Neat Tab
  3. Brainpop Temperature
  4. Brainpop Heat
  5. heat x-fer
    Heat Transfer from Metals to Water
  6. heat x-fer
    Gizmos Calorimetry Lab
  7.  Pendulums Energy Transformations
  8. Lab Write-Up
  9. Nye Heat Video


Notebook Notebook
  1. Vocabulary- Copy to One Note
  2. Thermal Energy Adapted Reading
  3. Summary Copy To OneNote

Get Started
  1. Practice Heat Quiz
  2. Practice Final Exam
  3. Battleship
  4. Millionaire
  5. Matching, Wordsearch, Flash Cards, Concentration
  6. Columns


Exit Slip:

  1. Thermal Energy Adapted Reading Specific Heat - last page
  2. Forces & EnergyTextbook 6.2 page 176
  3. AudiobookAudioBk page 176
  4. Review and Reinforce
  5. Brainpop Temperature
  6. Brainpop Heat
  7. StatesStates of Matter Applet
  8. heat x-fer
    Heat Transfer from Metals to Water
  9. heat x-fer
    Gizmos Calorimetry Lab
  10.  Pendulums Energy Transformations
  11. Lab:Temperature and Thermal Energy Write-Up
  12. Nye Heat Video


Notebook Notebook
  1. Vocabulary- Copy to One Note
  2. Thermal Energy Adapted Reading
  3. Summary Copy To OneNote

Get Started
  1. Practice Heat Quiz
  2. Practice Final Exam
  3. Columns
  4. Battleship
  5. Millionaire
  6. Practice Heat Quiz


Exit Slip:

  1. Forces & EnergyTextbook 6.2 & Guided Reading
  2. AudiobookAudioBk
  3. Review and Reinforce
  4. Heat Booklet


Get Started
  1. Practice Heat Quiz
  2. Practice Final Exam
  3. Columns
  4. Battleship
  5. Millionaire
  6. Practice Heat Quiz


Exit Slip:

  1. Notes: Thermal Energy and States of Matter - Copy into OneNote
  2. Brainpop
    1. Matter Changing States
    2. States of Matter
    3. Changing States
  3. Tech Design Vocabulary - Copy into One Note
  4. Tech Design Diagram - Copy into OneNote
  5. Thermal Energy Project due Tuesday next week MS-PS3-3
    Apply scientific principles to design, construct, and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer. (i.e. can Insulating device or cooker*)
  6. Forces & EnergyTextbook The Process of Design
  7. Tech Design Template
  8. Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template
  9. Tech Paper Worksheet - Scooter Example
  10. Mechanical Engineering Booklet
  11. Disney Imagineering Design Video
  12. Review and Reinforce
  13. Heat Booklet


Get Started
  1. Practice Heat Quiz
  2. Practice Final Exam
  3. Columns
  4. Battleship
  5. Millionaire
  6. Practice Heat Quiz


Exit Slip:

  1. Tech Design Diagram - Copy into OneNote
  2. Thermal Energy Project due Tuesday next week MS-PS3-3
    Apply scientific principles to design, construct, and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer. (i.e. can Insulating device or cooker*)
  3. Forces & EnergyTextbook The Process of Design
  4. Tech Design Template
  5. Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template
  6. Tech Paper Worksheet - Scooter Example
  7. Mechanical Engineering Booklet
  8. Disney Imagineering Design Video
  9. Independent work- Science Portal, ScienceNews


Get Started
  1. Practice Heat Quiz & (m)
  2. Practice Final Exam
  3. Columns
  4. Battleship
  5. Millionaire
  6. Practice Heat Quiz


Exit Slip:

  1. Tech Design Essay
    1. PowerPoint
    2. 2-sheet pdf
  2. Tech Design Diagram
  3. Thermal Energy Project due tomorrow MS-PS3-3
    Apply scientific principles to design, construct, and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer. (i.e. can Insulating device or cooker*)
  4. Forces & EnergyTextbook The Process of Design
  5. Tech Design Template
  6. Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template
  7. Tech Paper Worksheet - Scooter Example
  8. Mechanical Engineering Booklet
  9. Disney Imagineering Design Video
  10. Independent work- Science Portal, ScienceNews


Get Started
  1. Practice Heat Quiz & (m)
  2. Practice Final Exam
  3. Columns
  4. Battleship
  5. Millionaire
  6. Practice Heat Quiz


Exit Slip:

  1. Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template You will draw your termal energy device showing
    1. Front, Top, and Side views
    2. measurements
    3. materials list
  2. Tech Design Essay
    1. PowerPoint
    2. 2-sheet pdf
  3. Tech Design Diagram
  4. Thermal Energy Project due tomorrow MS-PS3-3
    Apply scientific principles to design, construct, and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer. (i.e. can Insulating device or cooker*)
  5. Forces & EnergyTextbook The Process of Design
  6. Tech Design Template
  7. Tech Paper Worksheet - Scooter Example
  8. Mechanical Engineering Booklet
  9. Disney Imagineering Design Video
  10. Independent work- Science Portal, ScienceNews


Get Started
  1. Practice Heat Quiz & (m)
  2. Practice Final Exam
  3. Columns
  4. Battleship
  5. Millionaire
  6. Practice Heat Quiz


Exit Slip:

  1. Tech Design Essay Steps 5-8 Workshop & Final Draft
    1. PowerPoint
    2. 2-sheet pdf
  2. Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template You will draw your termal energy device showing
    1. Front, Top, and Side views
    2. measurements
    3. materials list
  3. Tech Design Diagram
  4. Thermal Energy Project due tomorrow MS-PS3-3
    Apply scientific principles to design, construct, and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer. (i.e. can Insulating device or cooker*)
  5. Forces & EnergyTextbook The Process of Design
  6. Tech Design Template
  7. Tech Paper Worksheet - Scooter Example
  8. Mechanical Engineering Booklet
  9. Disney Imagineering Design Video
  10. Independent work- Science Portal, ScienceNews


Get Started
  1. Practice Heat Quiz & (m) - graded
  2. Practice Final Exam
  3. Columns
  4. Battleship
  5. Millionaire
  6. Practice Heat Quiz


Exit Slip:

  1. Final Exam
  2. Tech Design Essay Final Draft
    1. PowerPoint
    2. 2-sheet pdf
  3. Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template You will draw your termal energy device showing
    1. Front, Top, and Side views
    2. measurements
    3. materials list
  4. Tech Design Diagram
  5. Thermal Energy Project due tomorrow MS-PS3-3
    Apply scientific principles to design, construct, and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer. (i.e. can Insulating device or cooker*)
  6. Forces & EnergyTextbook The Process of Design
  7. Tech Design Template
  8. Tech Paper Worksheet - Scooter Example
  9. Mechanical Engineering Booklet
  10. Disney Imagineering Design Video
  11. Independent work- Science Portal, ScienceNews


Get Started
  1. Practice Heat Quiz & (m) - graded
  2. Practice Final Exam
  3. Columns
  4. Battleship
  5. Millionaire
  6. Practice Heat Quiz


Exit Slip:

  1. Practice Heat Quiz & (m) - graded
  2. Final Exam (Absent)
  3. Tech Design Essay Final Draft
    1. PowerPoint
    2. 2-sheet pdf
  4. Technical Drawing (Blueprint) Template You will draw your termal energy device showing
    1. Front, Top, and Side views
    2. measurements
    3. materials list
  5. Tech Design Diagram
  6. Thermal Energy Project due tomorrow MS-PS3-3
    Apply scientific principles to design, construct, and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer. (i.e. can Insulating device or cooker*)
  7. Forces & EnergyTextbook The Process of Design
  8. Tech Design Template
  9. Tech Paper Worksheet - Scooter Example
  10. Mechanical Engineering Booklet
  11. Disney Imagineering Design Video
  12. Independent work- Science Portal, ScienceNews

  1. NASA
    NASA Rocket Modeler
    NASA Wing Design Simulator
    NASA Air Foil Simulator
    Model Rocket Links
    Aerodynamics Links